LCD monitor with backlight
Pulse histogram and SpO2 wave display
Easy to use with one-key operation
Small in size, and easy to carry
Low voltage alarm display
Auto power-off after 8 seconds without signal
Light weight of 75g, batteries included
Runs on standard AAA batteries and continuous working time is 30 hours. RUIAN SUNNYWORLD INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMPANY and SUNNYWORLD MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD. have an abundance of manufacturing experience and professional staff and management systems. We have become one of the leading suppliers of blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, penlights, diagnostic hammers etc. in China. Also, SUNNYWORLD has united many sister factories to offer more medical products models. We are glad to receive your inquiries about any of these products. Since establishing our company, we have focused on quality improvement, appearance enhancement, new products, as well as research and development to meet competitive market demands. Now most of our products meet the international quality requirements, and we have received CE certification, ISO 9002 and FDA approval. Competitive pricing, superior quality, prompt delivery and excellent service ensures total customer satisfaction. OEM's are welcome and we are more than happy to accommodate to customers' requests.